7 products to increase male potency

Nowadays, the percentage of people's sensitivity to hormonal and cardiovascular diseases has increased significantly. As a result, the frequency of erectile problems has also increased dramatically. Instead of taking medicine, you should first review your diet. There are a large number of foods that affect erection. Here are 7 science-based foods that will naturally help you overcome erectile dysfunction and regain your manly power.

1. Garlic

Garlic improves blood circulation in the male genitals

It has been proven that garlic can significantly increase the level of testosterone, which, as you know, is an erection and libido hormone. Garlic also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and hypotensive effect. An interesting fact is that garlic provokes an increase in the level of nitric oxide in the body. This ingredient is directly related to the improvement of blood circulation in the genitals and, accordingly, to the increase of erection.

2. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are a source of quercetin, which improves erection in men

Citrus fruits saturate the body with vitamin C, which has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels. Because of this, there is a drop in blood pressure, as well as an increase in blood flow to the genitals. Citrus fruits are a source of quercetin, which increases nitric oxide content, as described above.

3. Beet

Beetroot is the leader in the content of natural nitrates, useful for strength

It is a superfood for its natural nitrate content. The more you eat foods rich in natural nitrates, the more nitric oxide is released into your bloodstream. Therefore, beetroot is one of the best foods to increase erection.

4. Blueberries

Blueberries are useful for improving erection in men

This red berry is extremely useful for improving erection. Its antioxidant effect is simply amazing. Blueberries contain a large amount of phenols and flavonoids, resveratrol and vitamin C, so it is not surprising that the use of this berry leads to a decrease in blood pressure and an improvement in the condition of blood vessels. as well as normalizes the contracting apparatus of blood vessels.

5. Greens

Greens to increase blood circulation in the genitals during awakening

The well-known lettuce, spinach and parsley also contain a large amount of natural nitrates, which are converted into nitric oxide by the action of intestinal bacteria. As you know, it is the one that increases blood flow to the genitals during sexual arousal.

6. Pomegranate

Pomegranate normalizes a man's hormonal health

It is one of the best fruits for erection and increasing testosterone. It is a natural preparation - with a gentle and long-lasting effect. Pomegranate is a wonderful fruit for normalizing hormonal health and increasing blood circulation. It has been scientifically proven that the inclusion of pomegranate juice in the daily diet lowers the level of LDL cholesterol and improves its secretion, strengthens the cells responsible for the normal state of the arterial wall. There is an increase in nitrogen levels, which in turn lowers blood pressure. Studies have shown that the habit of systematically drinking pomegranate juice increases testosterone levels by 24%.

7. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds - the record holder for the content of zinc and magnesium, which increase strength

This product actually holds the record for the content of trace elements that are most beneficial for men's health: zinc and magnesium. These elements are necessary for men to produce sex hormones, especially testosterone. Pumpkin seeds are a natural source of unsaturated fatty acids, which, in turn, are associated with the synthesis of prostaglandins - hormone-like substances. The latter play a key role in sexual arousal and improvement of erection.

And most importantly: if problems arise, do not panic. It should be remembered that almost any disease is curable with timely access to a specialist and allows you to continue to pleasantly surprise your lover in your sex life.